I like how it calculates the weight for you. Takes the time of me figuring it out myself. However, there are some issues with it. After week 3 of the base cycle it suggests to add and additional 20 lbs from week 3 and +30 for the following week. It does not calculate that for you in the app. Also, whenever you put your new max in after the mid cycle test day it changes all the previous numbers. There should be another section to put your new max in for the intense cycle so it doesnt change your base and intro numbers. It would be nice to edit the weight to put the extra +20/30 lbs after week 3 if everything goes well. Makes me feel like i wasted money on this app a bit. Edit: sorry you can edit the weight but still changing to the new max changes the previous lift numbers
MissingSocks about Smolov Squat Calculator